We recognise that good quality housing offers communities and residents a better quality of life. Good doorset design can enhance the living environment, be it in High Rise Residential Buildings, Student Accommodation, Sheltered Housing or Care Homes.
Call 01638 711028
to discuss your fire
and security needs
Send a message >When it comes to flat entrance and communal area doorsets, every detail of doorset design matters. These doorsets play a vital role serving as the first line of defence against the spread of fire. Not only a safety critical product, the doorsets offer a range of performance criteria to make residents lives safer and more comfortable.
At Gerda Security we own our design. Our design offers a multidisciplinary approach, identifying what residents need, taking into account any challenges in the built environment and designing a compliant solution.
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Got a question about this product? Call 01638 711 028 or send us a message
Call 01638 700820 to speak to an expert about your Fire Doorset requirements
Further Product solutions for residential housing.
Secure Premises Information Box (HSS PIB® C)

High Security Information Boxes certified (HSS PIB® C) System
The HSS PIB®C is suitable for all building types, including High Rise Residential Buildings. It complies with the FIA & NFCC Code of Practice mentioned in Approved Document B June 2022 amendments and Fire Safety (England) 2022 Regulation 4.
Other Products we Provide
- Standard Premises Information Box
- Access Control Box
- Firefighter Access Switch
- EACIE Enclosure