Communal Areas

Communal Areas

Communal Areas
FDS Complete™ Range, stairwell, lobby and cross-corridor fire doorsets
Shared spaces lie at the heart of every community, fostering interactions, and creating a sense of belonging. However, ensuring the safety of these spaces is paramount to maintaining a harmonious environment. Gerda Security communal area doors provide the perfect solution to this challenge, offering robust design for longevity with innovative elements to assist users.
At Gerda Security, we design, develop and extensively test our doorset ranges so you have the complete solution. With an extensive library of primary-owned test evidence to draw upon to meet the challenges of the built environment.
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Call 01638 711028
to discuss your fire
and security needs

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Communal Areas FDS Complete™ Range, Internal FD30(S)
- FD30(S) classification
- Extensive range of Gerda Security-owned primary fire & smoke test evidence
- Building regulation compliant for fire resistance, smoke control & acoustics
- Designed for overrun in fire tests
- Single & double doorsets
- Wide selection of frame configurations
- Designed for longevity
- Ease of access options
- Innovative features as standard
- G-Smart™ as standard

Fire Resistance

Smoke Control


Communal Areas FDS Complete™ Range, Internal FD60(S)
- FD60(S) classification
- Extensive range of Gerda Security-owned primary fire & smoke test evidence
- Building regulation compliant for fire resistance, smoke control & acoustics
- Designed for overrun in fire tests
- Single & double doorsets
- Wide selection of frame configurations
- Designed for longevity
- Ease of access options
- Range of finishes
- Innovative features as standard
- G-Smart™ as standard

Fire Resistance

Smoke Control


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Performance in Detail
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Design & Function
Meeting the needs of the doorset environment is key. In existing buildings the challenge of uneven and unusual structures means having a range of options to address these is essential.
Our designs stand the test of time with features to assist in the longevity of the doorset, in ease of maintenance and maintenance cost reduction.
We have a substantial library of Gerda Security primary-owned test evidence for fire resistance, smoke leakage and acoustics. Our designs are founded on the same fundamental composition and construction to give consistency in performance.
With digital traceability through the G-Smart App, the doorset’s ‘DNA’ can be accessed including its unique reference; specification, installation and any repairs, including scheduled maintenance.

Smoke Control
Communal doorsets in lobby or corridors and stairwells are designed to provide compartmentation, means of escape and to enable the Fire and Rescue Service to carry out their operational duties.
Our doorsets are designed to protect the compartmented areas from smoke leakage and spread of toxic gases and black smoke.
We test our communal doorset ranges, for both FDS Complete™ FD30(S) and FDS Complete™ FD60(S) ranges for single and double doorsets in full scale smoke tests.
Having seen the doorsets’ performance in actual fires preventing smoke and fire spread and protecting the compartmented area, Gerda Security have been highlighting the importance of smoke control through smoke pod demonstrations for over 12 years.

Our innovative fully tested and certified hardwood timber modular frame system with interlocking frames enables easy fitting on site and assists with the correct installation of the doorset.
This improves the installation process, saves time and means that the product is easier to transport and move, all of which assist in greater efficiencies.
Our doorsets are all supplied as complete finished products with a unique reference, tailored to size and to specification for their opening with sidepanels, top panels, fanlights – all shipped together but as separate sections able to be interlocked on site.
The complete doorset configuration is labelled with its unique reference for traceability.

Fire Safety
Gerda Security Products design, develop and comprehensively test our communal doorsets to provide class-leading compliance and to ensure they are able to operate effectively for their lifetime.
Our primary-owned test evidence conducted at UKAS test houses is based on innovative design in a range of configurations and hardware options for stairwells, foyers, lobbies and cross-corridors.
All primary tests are based on the same fundamental design composition and construction to ensure consistency of performance.
Existing buildings vary in style and age, and we are able to survey, manufacture to size and offer durable complete tested solutions.